Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My Mother

One of the hardest things I had to do on this journey was to tell my parents that I have cancer. I will never forget that conversation nor their reaction. The interesting thing was that my mother left me with more courage than I started with during that call.
I think it is fair to say that I have a pretty good relationship with my parents. I do miss them (my side of our family are all living in Germany) and I enjoy the times we get to spend together. Being a 'Mama's Boy' I do foster a relationship with my mom that is also largely based on friendship. I do turn to her when I need advice and often enjoy her insights in some of life's mysteries. For that reason it became very important to me that she would come to be here with us during the unique and challenging times. Three weeks ago I invited her and she immediately booked her flight. She arrived here last night. Needless to say I am excited to have her around and I am glad to be able to share this journey with her.
Welcome, and thank you for being here, Mom.


Anonymous said...

Geliebter Sohn,
wie bei allen Muettern war es schwer und schmerzhaft Dich auf die Welt zu bringen. Unvergleichlich schwerer ist die Zeit in der wir uns befinden auch fuer mich.Trotzdem ist es schoen hier zu sein und zu wissen, dass es nicht nur Dein Wusch war, sonders sich auch Angela freut mich in Eurem Haus zu haben.
Ich werde versuchen, Euch beiden zur Seite zu stehen.Trotz allem geniesse ich das Zusammensein mit Euch und weiss, dass es wieder bessere Zeiten fuer uns zusammen geben wird. Unsere ganze Familie ist mit dem Herzen bei uns, auch wenn sie so weit weg sind. Das alles gibt mir grosse Kraft die ich hoffentlich am Euch weiter geben kann.
Ich liebe Dich Olaf und wuerde so gern Deine Schmerzen tragen

Wendy Broadfoot said...

Dear Olaf,
I am so glad that your Mom is here to be with you and share in this journey. There is nothing more special than the bond between a Mother and her son, and your friendship and love will become even deeper and more meaningful as you share this face to face!
Moms need to be there to help and hug--you are a good man!

Laura said...

Thanks for the pics. Love the one of your Mom's arrival. Nice job Ange.

Unknown said...

You are a blessed man. Love the pic of your Mom hugging you... there's very little that gets better than that.

Anonymous said...

That pic is so great. It is amazing how even the shot of you from behind seems to say so much. I am glad she got here and is with you for the final leg of this journey. You can do it!


Richard said...

Aren't Mom's the greatest! Onward Olafus!

bruce said...

Hey Olaf

been away on holidays so I'm catching up on what you're doing.Glad to hear your Mom is here hope you have an amazing time with her.sorry to hear of the struggles you've been having. We will continue to pray for strength and peace for you.

Bruce and Kelly